7 Techniques to improve your Facebook shopping carousel ads

By: Juul Schepers - 40 mins
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What online marketers say about the webinar:

Super interesting webinar! I immediately want to get started with my advertising strategy.

Really interesting 40 minutes! Gave me a totally new perspective on DPA. Thanks guys!

Good presentation guys! Great energy and enthusiasm.

Very inspiring webinar, thanks a lot!

Thanks for your clear explanations

Thank you so much for the webinar just now! Could I have the slides emailed to me?

What will you learn?

iOS updates, cookies disappearing... How do we ensure that our social shopping ads remain profitable these days? How can we use other methods to ply our trade and grow successful e-commerce brands? In this online webinar, we'll tell you the secret behind exceptionally profitable product ads on Facebook, Instagram & Pinterest. We'll show you how leading e-commerce companies make their product ads more attractive and teach you how you can do this yourself. We will share cases with real results and make it an educational 40 mins together!

For whom?
- Social advertisers
- Agencies
- E-commerce managers/entrepreneurs

During the webinar, we will dive deeper into:

1. What factors influence the "attractiveness" of product ads and how much does this affect your ad performance?

2. How you can boost your sales by making your product ads automatically attractive and enticing with "Creative Automation "

3. What Adflow can do for your online store or agency

If you have more questions about automating your Facebook and Pinterest advertising after the masterclass, feel free to schedule a 1-on-1 demo.

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